Please Don’t Abandon Humanity When Dealing with Horrible Situations
In the wake of this week’s murder of the CEO of United Healthcare, I believe that it is important as conscious leaders and as conscious individuals that we remember our humanity as we process our anger and frustration with the state of atrocities in our world
Is Busyness Undermining Your Effectiveness?
Most American executives maintain extremely full schedules, yet there’s science that supports creating space in your schedule as an effective strategy for optimizing productivity.
Is Technology Supporting You or Controlling You?
How Do You Use Technology? Are you intentionally using technology to support your vision and goals or are you unconsciously allowing technology to make decisions for you?
When You Have a Big Wake Up Call…
Learn By Unlearning
Learn By Unlearning
As leaders, if we want to move to the next level, instead of learning something new, it’s often helpful to unlearn something that is holding us back…
There’s Always a Different Perspective
There’s Always a Different Perspective
Working abroad as a part-time digital nomad has taught me that there’s always a different way to look at things.
What Got You Here May Not Get You To The Next Level?
What Got You Here May Not Get You To The Next Level?
Are You Unconsciously Rewarding Bad Behavior?
Does Work Have To Be Hard?
Does Work Have to Be Hard?
Do You Lean into Your Brilliance or Into Your Busyness?
If you are like many of the senior executives that I work with you are often too caught up in your busyness to truly tap into your brilliance
Do You Foster Healthy Conflict?
As a Leader, Do You Foster an environment in your sphere of influence for people to engage in Healthy Conflict?
We All Have 3 Centers of Wisdom
We All Have 3 Centers of Wisdom
…Most of Us One Only Use One
Are you in A State of Body Threat?
Chances are that if you are a leader either you or some of your people are currently in a state of body threat and don’t even know it.
The Hidden Threat That is Hurting Your Organization
Worried about slow quitting, lack of innovation, or suboptimal decision making in your workplace? Chances are, right now, a large portion of your workforce is experiencing a triggered state of body threat and they don’t even know it. Not only does it affect how your people show up, it impacts your company’s bottom line.
Do Your Boundaries Have Leaks?
Often when we set boundaries, people poke up against them. The reason that the poke against them is that we are setting the boundary from reactivity.
Don’t Forget the Humanity of Others
Time in Nature for Effectiveness
I find that spending time in nature can actually make us more effective. In addition to it's beauty, nature has an incredible grounding effect that fosters creativity & focus.
5 Levels of Conflict
One of my favorite models for workplace conflict: The 5 Levels of Conflict created by Speed B. Leas.
Your Mind Wants to Put You in A Box!
There Are No Rules!
Recently I’ve noticed my clients and friends putting limits on themselves based on perceived rules…Over the years, I’ve observed how often people, including myself, have broken, or bent, what were supposed to be inflexible rules… It’s my belief that there are no rules.