Back to "Reality"

My first 24 hours back in Atlanta from Panama started with a whirlwind. Between the time I landed at 7:30 pm last night and 10 am this morning, I experienced several challenging situations that would have upset me just a few years ago. Yet, instead of getting bent out of shape, I found myself smiling and saying the mantra: “Everything is Always Working Out for Me” after I found out that my laptop screen is cracked.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Wayne Dyer

I just wrapped up an absolutely incredible 30 day experience living in and working from Panama. I started most days, waking up before sunrise, journaling, meditating, and walking the beach.

Yesterday, I flew back to my home in Atlanta. The flight was uneventful and landed on-time at 7:30 pm.

=> Then the party ended.

I live 20 miles from the airport, yet it took more than 4 hrs to make it home (11:45 pm). We encountered the longest line I have ever seen at emigration (I’m definitely signing up for Global Entry).

When we finally made it outside, Uber and Lyft were surging, charging 3-6 times the normal rate. We eventually took a shuttle and MARTA to downtown Atlanta to catch a more reasonably priced Uber. It was a long frustrating night. I kept a fairly positive attitude throughout.

Before going to bed, I went through a month of mail, looking for a check that I was promised would arrive last week. It wasn’t there.

This morning, I found out that my car battery was dead (not jumpable, completely dead). I had purchased the battery in 2020. I was pretty frustrated. After ½ dozen calls and help from my neighbor, I spent $186 to replace it this morning.

While I was dealing with the car battery, I opened my laptop. The touchscreen was acting pretty crazy. I realized there were 2 cracks in the glass. Then I remembered that my backpack had fallen while we waited for the airport shuttle last night.

I caught myself momentarily going into an old negative pattern. “What a sh!tstorm: now I’ve got to chase this check down; the battery isn’t in the budget; and now this laptop screen; it really sucks that I am back in town; everything was better in Panama; bitch, moan, grumble, grumble… ”

Can you relate?

Then one of my favorite phrases: “Everything is Always Working Out for Me” popped into my head. I took a deep breath, repeated the phrase a couple of times and my energy shifted. I actually found myself laughing.

I started to look at events of the past few hours from a different perspective. It felt a bit like I was being tested by the universe.

After experiencing such an amazing time in Panama, was I going to allow myself to get unglued so quickly?

While in Panama, I had been journaling a lot, about how I don't need to be in a stunningly beautiful place to be present and grounded. It's a choice that I can choose anywhere, in any environment.

From a place of choice, when things seem to be “happening to me” I can go into my victim mode or I can ground myself and deal with them without creating a story about them.

This morning was a great reminder that I get to choose my perspective.

Since then I’ve been able to fully appreciate today! I still have a laptop with a cracked screen and I’ve had a few additional challenges today. Yet, I have maintained a wonderful mood, dancing in my seat while sitting in traffic and jamming to music while I type this.

The next time things are “happening” in your life, I invite you to join me in the journey of shifting perspectives. Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, we can ground ourselves and appreciate all that is good.


What is Home?


My Unconventional Journey