Tip 3: Breathing Helps Anxiousness
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Tip 3: Breathing Helps Anxiousness

One key lesson that I’ve learned in my 25 year journey is that when feeling tense or anxious, slowing down and breathing can be a real game changer. There’s a lot of research out there that shows that mindful practices lead to real results. My 3rd tip: The next time you feel anxious or stressed, pause and breathe.

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Tip 4: What You Measure Drives Behavior
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Tip 4: What You Measure Drives Behavior

One key lesson that I’ve learned in my 25 year journey is that people will adjust their behavior based upon how you measure and reward their performance. If your metrics and reward system are in alignment with values and goals things often work well. However when they are out of alignment, it often results in undesirable behavior and gaming of the system. My 4th tip: What you measure drives behavior.

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Tip 5 - Unplug to Gain Clarity
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Tip 5 - Unplug to Gain Clarity

One key lesson that I’ve learned in my 25 year journey is that unplugging can be a game changer. We live in a world where most of us stay continually busy. We often get so wrapped up in coming and going that we lose sight of what's truly important to us. It’s only when we hit the pause button on the busyness in our lives, that we can get a perspective of the bigger picture. My 5th tip: Unplug to Gain Clarity.

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Tip 6: Letting Go is Powerful
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Tip 6: Letting Go is Powerful

One key lesson that I’ve learned in my 25 year journey is that it is often more powerful to let go of what’s not working in your life than trying to ‘figure out’ what you need to ‘do’ to move forward. We all have habits, activities, behaviors, beliefs, and/or people in our lives that hold us back in some way. Choosing to let go of what is no longer serving you can be a game changer. My 6th tip: Letting go is powerful.

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Tip 8 - Don't Forget the Humanity of Others
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Tip 8 - Don't Forget the Humanity of Others

One key lesson that I’ve learned in my 25 year journey is that it is helpful to look at the whole person, even(especially) in people who put us off. When someone is exhibiting negative behavior, it is often tempting to simply write them off. Yet, if we take the time to look at them from a place of humanity, it can dramatically shift our interactions with them. My 8th Tip - Don’t Forget the Humanity of Others.

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An Incredible Day in the Life of a Digital Nomad
Julie Allen Julie Allen

An Incredible Day in the Life of a Digital Nomad

An Incredible Day in the Life of a Digital Nomad

Living and working in Mérida, México as a digital nomad over the past five weeks has been a wonderful experience. Visiting 3 local cenotes yesterday, took it to another level.

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Back to "Reality"
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Back to "Reality"

My first 24 hours back in Atlanta from Panama started with a whirlwind. Between the time I landed at 7:30 pm last night and 10 am this morning, I experienced several challenging situations that would have upset me just a few years ago. Yet, instead of getting bent out of shape, I found myself smiling and saying the mantra: “Everything is Always Working Out for Me” after I found out that my laptop screen is cracked.

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My Unconventional Journey
Julie Allen Julie Allen

My Unconventional Journey

My company Wizard Consulting / AgileJulie / Bold Authenticity celebrates 25 years in business (25th Anniversary Post)

My unconventional journey has put me in a unique, yet powerful, position to help my clients find their personal power by connecting deeply to their truest, most authentic selves at work and in life.

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Nightbirde - Authenticity is a Superpower
Ophelia Rabadon Ophelia Rabadon

Nightbirde - Authenticity is a Superpower

Many of you have heard me say "Authenticity is a Superpower"

This beautiful and touching video shows how powerful authenticity can be. Nightbirde is truly an amazing woman.

Authenticity touches us at a much deeper level than how most of us communicate. Her presence is so inspiring, she will change lives by just being herself.

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Naomi Osaka Epitomizes Bold Authentic Leadership
Julie Allen Julie Allen

Naomi Osaka Epitomizes Bold Authentic Leadership

When Naomi Osaka was thrust back into the national spotlight, what stood out for me is her incredible authenticity. Many Americans know Osaka from her recent withdrawal from the French Open or from her dramatic 2018 US Open final win against Serena Williams. I am a long time tennis enthusiast (some say a fanatic) and over the past 4-5 years, I’ve watched Naomi rise from an unknown to the top of the tennis world. I’ve also witnessed the incredible impact of her soft-spoken, humble, and often playful presence. Time and time again she has thoughtfully and honestly shared her truth: from her joy, to her discomfort and insecurities, and most recently her mental health, with remarkable candor.

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Leading with Empathy and Love
Ophelia Rabadon Ophelia Rabadon

Leading with Empathy and Love

This Forbes article is a great example of why it is important for us to challenge our traditional perspectives about leadership.

Forbes sites Truth, Decisiveness, Tech, and Love as key to their early success in the pandemic.

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There is nothing special or different about the killing of George Floyd
Ophelia Rabadon Ophelia Rabadon

There is nothing special or different about the killing of George Floyd

What’s appears to be “different” about the George Floyd murder is that for the first time, many people are looking at police violence against a black man from a new perspective. What’s new is that this is the first time that violence against black men is sparking genuine outrage from some non-black people.

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